Ubiquiti 5G-16-120

Frequency Response

Radiation Pattern

Output of run

Measuring ...
Detected measurement resolution of 0.556414219474 degrees.
Finding peak magnitude and angle ...
Normalizing magnitude by adding 33.2dB ...
-3dB beamwidth is 96.3900008798 degrees.
Centering on beamwidth by rotating readings -177.412499785 degrees ...
-120 degree gain = -18.2dB, +120 degree gain = -15.3932660784dB.
Writing results to pattern.R

Re-ran the test again with a little bit of up-tilt to compensate for the electrical down-tilt built into this antenna:

Output of run

Measuring ...
Detected measurement resolution of 0.569620253165 degrees.
Finding peak magnitude and angle ...
Normalizing magnitude by adding 35.6dB ...
-3dB beamwidth is 72.4274995923 degrees.
Centering on beamwidth by rotating readings -176.551875472 degrees ...
-120 degree gain = -28.4003365155dB, +120 degree gain = -23.5614887361dB.
Writing results to pattern.R


Filename Size Modified
pattern.R 8.7KiB 2016-08-06 20:33:53
pattern2.R 8.5KiB 2016-08-06 20:33:53
Outdoor 5G-16-120.gif 9.4KiB 2016-08-06 00:16:18
Outdoor 5G-16-120 try 2.gif 8.6KiB 2016-08-06 00:16:18